Decision !

Originally uploaded by osman_a57

After gathering the facts of the case regarding Dr Nor Shahidah Khairullah, the VERDICT by Panel Judges of Tax Payer’s Court is to CHARGE the ‘Money Making Team’ for CORRUPTION.

The DG MOH in particular must be charged for ‘Abuse of POWER’, and conflict of interest.

Immediate action to be taken against DG MOH is for KSN, Tan Sri Sidek to remove the DG out of MOH to allow for official investigations by ACA and Police.

13 Responses to “VERDICT !”

  1. Orang macam ni yang kena gantung patutnya..bukan pengedar dadah..duit kita orang yang bayar income tax ni di belanja sesuka mak bapak mamak dia org…GANTUNG JER…

  2. Catch big fish Says:

    Hellooo!!! Easier said than done. This DG is a smart person. Even ACA is having problem to catch big fish. Refer to the statement made by ACA. “The offenders are becoming smarter and more elusive in their operations” said ACA, Deputy Director General II, Datuk Zakaria Jaafar. He told reporters after laying the foundation stone for the Kelantan ACA office complex and quarters. (NSTP, 17/8/2008)

  3. YES! When there is too much subjectivity and power granted to civil servants in the approval process, there will be room for abuse of power or corruption, especially in ministries with non bumi ministers. KSUs and DGs are powerful people CAPABLE of manipulating major decisions to approve funds for their cronies. Problem of no integrity !!! Tax payers become suckers.

  4. Hey man, the real culprit in MOH is Dr Pillay, deputy DG controlling millions. That bastard had made millions and the most corrupt civil servant ever known. You are accusing the wrong guy???

  5. Fucker, catch that bastard !!!

  6. No lah, they all cover each other. No hope of catching top people. Only the small timer get caught!!!!!! Petty offences involving few thousand ringgit. Where got big timer actually found guilty. They got money to hire top lawyers.

  7. Kau orang gila ka? Mana ada orang besar pangkat Tan Sri kena tangkap. Satu call sudah cukup, sure lepas. Ini Tan Sri sudah kenal PM dan TPM, siapa berani sentuh. Pegawai BPR dan Polis pun mahu hidup senang, buat apa cari pasal.

  8. Eloklah tu, selalunya orang atasan dapat lepas sedangkan kerani dan pegawai bawahan yang kena. Maklumlah, terpaksa ikut perintah. Tuhan Maha Kaya dan Maha Mengetahui! Kata pepatah; ‘sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga’.

  9. Kenapa BPR tak tangkap aje?

  10. A’kum. BPR sudah masuk KKM. Agaknya akan buat tangkapan tak lama lagi. Memang Tan Sri tu banyak salah guna kuasa untuk kepentingan Dr Nor Shahidah. Tengoklah, buat kali kedua dibwawa masuk bekerja dalam kementerian.

  11. Mr Executioner Says:

    Congratulation! This is the way forward for us as ‘tax payers’ to get our views heard. Why not let me broadcasts to everyone via e-mail about the wrong doers. There are still many decent civil servants out there with enforcement jurisdictions to prosecute the members of ‘the money making team’. We need an effective mechanism to follow through the VERDICT! Personally, I want to get them to JUSTICE ! Will keep u guys posted. bye.

  12. suararakyat Says:

    Hey bro! What if KSN doesn’t act ? Nak investigate apa? Sure la semua orang takut nak buka mulut. Why not write an official letter to PM, TPM, KSN, Ministers (members of the cabinet), enclosed with documentary evidence !!!!! Even better, provide copies to opposition MPs. At least, they can bring the matter up in Parliament. Baru betul.

  13. Keep up good work !!!!!!!!

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